Our District awards advisory committee works hard year round to ensure that volunteers are recognized for their service to the scouting movement and to the local community . They meet 4 times per year and look through citations and nominations for scouting awards .

The committee is Chaired by Michael Hope

Award Nomination Form

If you know an adult in Scouting who you think deserves to be considered for a Scouting Award you can recommend them using the link below.
  • To be eligible for an award an adult needs to have held a full appointment for at least 5 years.
  • Must have completed the woodbadge training relevant to their current role, have up to date first aid qualification, safety & GDPR training.

Your nomination will be passed to the awards advisory committee ,who will review the nomination and make a recommendation to the District Lead Volunteer. Please be aware that this process can take 12 months or more because of the various deadlines for submitting awards to national headquarters.